Description of the trail
From Posta (720 m) we follow the stage of the Cami Salaria 150 of the CAI, which develops in the valley bottom of the Velino, crosses the town center and continues along the SS4 state road. At the hamlet of Bacugno the trail continues on the asphalt road along the ancient route of the ancient Via Salaria to the hamlet of Santa Croce and that of Soricone in the Municipality of Cittareale. From here, turn left and follow a hill road and start going up through cultivated fields and woods to the hamlet of Conca (860 m). Continue along the path up the wooded slope up to a saddle (1100 m) and then down a more and more evident mule track to the hamlet of Vezzano, right at the foot of the village of Cittareale.

At the sources of the river Velino
Il Velino was born in the municipal territory of Cittareale at the foot of Mount Pozzoni, on the slopes of which stands the Sanctuary of the Madonna di Capodacqua. In the area of San Lorenzo the Villa was found where Emperor Titus Flavio Vespasiano was born in 9 AD.
A masterpiece of military architecture is the Rocca di Cittareale, used as a purely military defense of the territory thanks to its strategic position on the border between the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and the Papal State. The Rocca today, restored and partly open to visitors, with its
particular shape and wide extension is the result of reconstruction by the Aragonese in 1479.



Length: 14,8 Km

Degree of difficulty CAI: T/E

Difference in height: 435 m

Downhill difference in height: 242 m

Altitude Max: 1098 m

Min heigh: 724 m

Protected areas crossed:

CAI Section: Antrodoco

Recommended period:

All the year


CAI Card Alta Valle del Velino ed. SELCA 2015


Salaria 150

Profilo Tappa 18 Ufficiale
Altimetric Profile






The structures marked with smile 😉 are the "friendly structures" of the path


Agriturismo Lu Ceppe
Via Gentili, Cittareale
Tel. 0746947085


😉 Agriturismo Lu Ceppe
Via Gentili, Cittareale
Tel. 0746947085


Cotral Cittareale
Start BV Cittareale

Information Points

Acqua lungo il percorso

112; 800 19 99 10