Along the ancient Via Salaria along the river Velino
A mountainous area, at the northern end of the Gorges of the Velino, characterizes this stretch of the Natural Path of Parks that reaches the Comune di Posta, located until the thirties of the twentieth century in Abruzzo, after departing from Antrodoco and gently climbing the valley of
the river Velino along the ancient Via Salaria.

Description of the trail
From Antrodoco (720 m) follow the Natural Path stage on the Salaria path 150, identified by the CAI, which develops in the Terminillo valley along the Velino stream, crosses the old town center and then take the SS4 state road and leave it after approx. 150mt taking a dirt road on
the right side. The trail continues parallel to the SS4 road along the widening site of the same for about 5km, and then reach a stretch where the trail coincides with the SS4 road for about 1Km and again abandons turning right to resume the old state road. The bottom on this stretch
is asphalt. Alongside the tunnel, you must continue along the asphalt road and walking under an overpass takes the old state road. It crosses the village of Sigillo where we find the presence of water sources to quench your thirst, continue on the paved road in the direction of Post for
about 1 hour walk, and then come to cross again the SS4 road that followed for about 1, 5 km finally leads to the left entering via Posta.

Two long paths, a sum that is worth more than two ... maybe the old Via del Sale!
From Antrodoco you can go out to the top of Terminillo, the view and the wind would embarrass us, we would watch everything from above the horizons, but ... Walking in the throats worked in geological times by the water, watching everything from below, alongside landscape
transformed by Man, along a road that since ancient antiquity has in its name what was his destiny, you can breathe the past history .. Yes because the Salaria was definitely a way that the Sabines used to bring salt in their lands, from one of the two seas, the Adriatic or the Tyrrhenian Sea. And it connected the two seas.


Length: 13,9 km

Degree of difficulty CAI: E

Difference in height uphill: 332 m

Downhill difference in height: 89 m

Altitude Max: 762 m

Min height: 503 m

Protected areas crossed:

CAI Section: Antrodoco

Recommended period:

All the year


CAI Card Alta Valle del Velino ed. SELCA 2015


Salary 150

Profilo Tappa 17 Ufficiale
Altimetric Profile





The structures marked with smile 😉 are the "friendly structures" of the path


Agriturismo dal Poeta
Via Favischio 10, Posta

Tel. 0746959747

Agriturismo Il Casale di Pica Mariapia
Via Villa Camponeschi 1, Posta

Tel: 3497896258

Agriturismo La Quercia
Frazione Fontarello 02019, Posta
Tel. 0746959192 - 3398842463

Azienda Agrituristica Casale Valenzano
Sigillo di Posta, Località Casale Valenzano
Tel. 0746959114 - 3393871331

Via Salaria 10, Posta

Tel: 0746951134

Il Bagatto
Via Roma 50, Posta

Tel: 0746951111

Il pilota
Via Salaria Nuova 2, Posta
Tel: 07461873002


😉 Azienda Agrituristica Casale Valenzano
Sigillo di Posta, Località Casale Valenzano 

Tel. 0746959114 - 3393871331

😉 Agriturismo Il Casale di Pica Mariapia
Via Villa Camponeschi 1, Posta

Tel: 3497896258

Agriturismo dal Poeta
Via Favischio 10, Posta

Tel. 0746959747

Agriturismo La Quercia
Frazione Fontarello 02019, Posta
Tel. 0746959192 - 3398842463

La Fungaia
Via Bacugno snc, Posta

Tel: 0746919195


Cotral Posta
Start BV Posta

Information Points

Water along the way

112; 800 19 99 10