The idea of "Cammino Naturale dei Parchi" was born in 2016, parallel to the proclamation of the National Path Year by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, and that of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, with the aim of creating a path opposite to those with which we are used to.
It is in fact an essentially secular journey that leaves Rome, the eternal city that has always been a destination for pilgrims and tourists, and starting from historic valleys, it heads towards some of the great wonders of our country hidden in the woods of our mountains and therefore often unknown. .
The name chosen for the route takes up the Spanish concept according to which religious pilgrimages are distinguished from the laity "Caminos Natural", underlining how even those who are not moved by religious spirituality can be a walker.
The Natural Path of the Parks was designed not only for expert hikers, but for all those who want to live a beneficial experience for body and soul.
Slow walking pervades the sense of things and the conception of life of the participants, their behavior. It creates a relationship with the environment and with the people that enriches the relationships and the sociality of those who walk, increasing their knowledge and respect both for nature and for men.
With its itinerary, the Natural Path of the Parks unites the different protected areas that follow each other along the route between L'Aquila and Rome, creating a network that, passing through different regions, promotes the protection and enhancement of cultural, environmental and religious heritage, and promotes the development of sustainable tourism.
The areas affected by the recent earthquakes in Central Italy are also crossed: an opportunity to express with the physical presence the bonds of solidarity that unite us.